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更新时间:2025-03-17 09:50:04
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crowd in的意思

1. And the crowd erupted in a wild applause when the buzzer went on.

2. When a pair was eventually found, the by now quite substantial crowd erupted in spontaneous applause.

3. Ki contended that he was caught up in the crowd's cacophony and was merely joining the spirit of the moment.

4. Customers who find the crowd too big can have their tarts boxed and then munch them in a park opposite the cafe.

5. When Jin fumbles in the streets and presses his face to the camera, he sometimes attracts laughter from the crowd that always gathers round.

6. The two rescued Beaconsfield miners arrived to cheers and applause from a large crowd at a formal reception at Parliament House in Canberra.

7. Did they undergo courses in first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation or crowd control?

8. That's the message the Illinois senator brought to North Carolina during his last stop, when he addressed a predominantly black crowd in Fayetteville.

9. A parade squad made up of 300 people dressing in cartoon costume also showed up on the street to entertain the crowd.

10. The incident comes just a month after a policeman died in crowd trouble in Sicily following a game between Catania and Palermo.


1. People are lined up at the activity desks and clotted in the revolving doors. At the breakfast buffet, the other guests crowd around the aluminum trays of glossy food, piling their plates with eggs, sausage, pancakes, waffles.

2. She s potted her friend in the crowd.


3. There will be a large crowd of people on the square in twenty minutes` time.

4. crowd in的反义词

4. I'm not alone in the crowd, but I feel lonely.

5. crowd in

5. You can find us in the crowd.

6. crowd in是什么意思

6. Another police offcer, Raja Umer Khatab, said some in the crowd began firing shots into the air in protest.

7. They are to be in specific place, specific building, specific crowd is mutual and active action, contact the whole that be together with significant means.


8. You can see us in the crowd. Weare

9. crowd in的近义词

9. Other scenes depict corn products that were essential to the Maya diet: A woman distributes a platter of tamales to a crowd in one panel, while a man and woman in another scene serve maize gruel.

10. Several people in the crowd seemed to be fighting.

11. crowd in

11. He got in with a bad crowd at university.

12. Oh sure my friends all come round, but I'm in a crowd and on my own


13. In the crowd on the sidelines...

14. crowd in是什么意思

14. After the crowd in his line-up on both sides of the street, everyone to his desire to King.

15. Don't all crowd in on me; I will see your passports one by one.

16. Many people in the crowd were trampled on when the fire began.


17. Living in the CBD crowd keen on all kinds of consumption.

18. Every second person in the crowd seems intent on bumping into you

19. crowd in

19. And if you're listening to this, you should know that I'm alone in the cockpit of Flight 2039 with a whole crowd of those little child-sized bottles of mostly dead vodka and gin lined up on the place you sit at against the front windows, the instrument panel.

20. With the rise of social networking and collaboration technology there is growing interest in `Crowd Sourcing`.

The crowd in the room seemed full of curiosity. They expressed their eagerness to hear me sing.(那间屋子里的一群人似乎都很好奇,他们迫切希望听我唱一曲。)
The people of Manila deserted the streets to crowd in front of television screens and watch the most successful Filipino athlete of all time enter the ring.(马尼拉万人空巷,都涌在电视机前观看有史以来最成功的菲律宾运动员登上拳击台。)
Looking emaciated, he farmed out large parts of his speech, which is usually a big marketing and media event, to other presenters. But he still held the crowd in thrall as ever.(身为媒体宠儿的乔布斯,其发布演讲常是倍受媒体关注的营销盛宴;但虚弱憔悴的他此次却将演讲重任交由他人捉刀,不过其个人魅力依旧征服众人,牢牢锁住视线焦点.)
She stood among the swaying crowd in the station at the North Wall .(她站在北墙站拥挤摆动的人群中。)
But one police officer, watching the militia, said a prayer aloud with the crowd in her honor: "Peace be upon the prophet and her family."(不过一位警官看着这些民兵,代表人群大声念出了一句祷词:“安宁与先知和其家人同在。”)
Earlier, the defeated candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi addressed the crowd in his first public appearance since Friday's disputed election.(早些时候,败选的穆萨维对群众发表了讲话,这是他在周五那场争议性的选举之后第一次公开露面。)
A huge crowd gathered in a square outside the Kremlin walls.(一大群人聚集在了克里姆林宫墙外的广场上。)
He let children crowd in.(他让孩子们挤进去。)
But at least 300 crowd in there when it's raining or snowing, a Korail spokesperson said.(发言人指出,每天约有三十至一百人睡在站内,每逢雨天或雪天,更至少有三百人涌进来。)
He was famously killed in November 1963 while waving to the Dallas crowd in an open-top car.(1963年,在达拉斯,他坐在一辆敞篷车中,向人群挥手时,被杀害,震惊世界。)
crowd in是什么意思 crowd in在线翻译 crowd in什么意思 crowd in的意思 crowd in的翻译 crowd in的解释 crowd in的发音 crowd in的同义词